Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
tighinn sf Coming, act of coming, arrival. 2 Approaching. 3 Speaking. 4 Slandering, backbiting, specu...an còrr |
anns prep In, in the. Anns gach beul, in every mouth. [Used before the article an, a...an còrr |
bharr prep (formerly de bhàrr) From, from off. 2 Down from. Bharr aghaidh na talmhainn, from th...an còrr |
tuilleadh adv More, any more, farther, moreover. Tuilleadh agus, too; tuilleadh fòs, tuilleadh e...an còrr |
brath pr pt a' brathadh, va Betray. 2 Deceive. 3 Spy. 4 Suppose, guess. 5 Inform against. 6*...an còrr |
tiompan -ain, pl –an & -ain, sm Any musical instrument. 2 Timbrel, cymbal, tabor, drum. 3 ...an còrr |
ceann cinn, sm Head. 2 Point. 3 Hilt. 4 Top. 5 End. 6 Chief, commander. 7 Headland, promontory. 8 E...an còrr |
chionn adv & conj. (for a chionn) Because, for that reason. A chionn gun do bhuin e rium ...an còrr |
crìoch -ìche, -an [&-a,] sf End, limit. 2 Boundary, frontier, landmark, march, border. 3 Conclus...an còrr |
tuar -air, -an, sm Colour, hue, appearance, countenance, complexion. 2 Hardship. 3 Food. 4 Cast. 5...an còrr |
cunbhalach -aiche, a Constant, steady, firm, durable. 2†† Sensible, witty. 3 Even —...an còrr |
deireadh -ridh, -ridhean, sm End, conclusion. 2 The end, rear, hindmost part of anything. 3 Stern of a...an còrr |
DiCiadain sm Wednesday. DiCiadain na luaithre, Ash Wednesday; DiCiadain seo chaidh, last Wedn...an còrr |
DihAoine sm Friday. DihAoine gu fàs 's DiMàirt gu buain, ach obair a thòisicheas DiLuain bidh i luath ...an còrr |
DiLuain sm Monday. DiLuain seo chaidh, last Monday; DiLuain seo tighinn, next Monday, ...an còrr |
bi irreg v Be, exist. Conjugated thus: IND pres tha mi etc, I etc am. IND ...an còrr |
faisg -e, a see fagas. Chunnaic iad i a' tighinn faisg orra, they saw her coming near the...an còrr |
feadh sm ind [Governs the gen]. Extent, length. 2 Fathom. 3 Whilst, during, through, through...an còrr |
feum va & n. Be in want of, be in need of, must, needs must. Feumaidh mi falbh, I must go; ...an còrr |
fo prep. Under, beneath, below. 2 At the foot of. 3‡‡ Towards. Aspirates a noun ...an còrr |
tuit pr pt a' tuiteam, vn Fall. 2 Happen, befall, chance. 3 Stumble, slip. 4 Subside. 5 Sin...an còrr |
uachdar -air, -an, sm Top, surface. 2 Summit or upper part. 3 Cream. 4 Upper leather of a shoe. 5 Woo...an còrr |
ma conj. If. Mas àill le neach sam bith tighinn 'nam dhéidh-sa, if any man will come after me...an còrr |
praiseach -eich, -eichean, sf Pot. 2 Crucible. 3 Broth. 4 Pottage, gruel. 5 see prasach. 5(DC) Corn-bin...an còrr |
ranntair * sf Range, extent of territory, “division.” Tha an ranntair ioma-chumhann, th...an còrr |