Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
tiugh tighe, a Thick, not slender. 2 Of great thickness. 3 Thick, dense, set close together. 4 Freq...an còrr |
tiugh † sm The end. |
tiugh † a Latter, last. |
aigeann -einn, sm Abyss. 2 Deep pool. 3 Sea, ocean. 4 Bottom of an abyss. Thuit m' aigne san a...an còrr |
brochan -ain, sm Porridge. 2 (Skye, &c). Pottage, gruel. Deoch bhrochain, gruel; so...an còrr |
cliathach -aich, -aichean, sf Side of the human body. 2 Side of a quadruped. 3 Slope or side of a hill....an còrr |
leis prep pron With him or it. 2 In his company, along with him. 3 Being his property or right. 4 ...an còrr |
tighe * comp of tiugh. Thicker, thickest. |
tiu ** see tiugh. |
tiugh-bhagh † sm Late drinking. |
tiugh-là † ** sm The last day. |
tiuighe comp of tiugh. see tighe & tighead. |