Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
tlàth -àithe, a Mild, kind, tender, indulgent, merciful, meek. 2 Tranquil, gentle. 3 Mellow, sweet,...an còrr |
tlàth Skye for tlàths. Thàinig tlàth air mo chridhe, my heart warmed or melted [a ...an còrr |
feadan -ain, -an, sm Fife, flute. 2 Chanter of the bagpipe. 3 Reed. 4 Spout. 5 The calibre of a gun....an còrr |
iomairt -ean, sf [McL&D gives sm but -e for the gen sing] Employing, exercising, ac...an còrr |
miodal -ail, sm Flattery, fawning. 2 Fair speech. 3 Insinuation. Le miodal tlàth, with smooth fla...an còrr |
slàinteil -e, a. Healthy, in good health. 2 Healthy, bringing health. 3 Benign. 4 see tlàth. |
tlà see tlàth. |
tlachd-mhuchd see tlath-mhuc. |
tlàithe comp of tlàth. |
tlàth-ghaoth sf Breeze. |
tlàth-mhuc (AF) s Fat hog. |
tlàth-thaislich ** va Bedew. 2 Moisten. |