Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
tlachd /tLaxg/ fir. iol. -an
1 delight, pleasure, enjoyment 2 ( archaic) covering 3 ( archaic) garment 4 ( archaic) finish, polish 5 ( archaic) fair, market |
gabh tlachd de chamanachd enjoy/love/relish shinty! |
thoir tlachd do Chalum please Calum, give pleasure to Calum! |
an-tlachd /ãũNdLəxg/ fir. neo-ath.
1 displeasure, disgust 2 dissatisfaction, discontent |
creutair gun tlachd unsocial person |
gun gabhadh Calum tlachd annad may Calum take a liking to you! |
dèan calcalas airson tlachd do calculus for enjoyment! |
faigh tlachd ann an leughadh derive pleasure from reading! |
tlachd-sheist boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
wild/woodland/Alpine/European strawberry, fraise des bois (fragaria vesca) |
thoir tlachd is toil-inntinn dha give him pleasure and enjoyment! |
gabh tlachd ann an lacrosse enjoy/love/relish lacrosse! |
tha tlachd aice ann an daoibhigeadh she takes pleasure in diving |
tlachd-shùbh fir. gin. -shùibh, iol. -an
wild/woodland/Alpine/European strawberry, fraise des bois (fragaria vesca) |
le tlachd with pleasure |
le tlachd mór with great pleasure |
Toraidhean Dwelly
tlachd sf ind Pleasure, satisfaction, delight. 2 Inclination, liking. 3 Beauty. 4 Love, attachment, ...an còrr |
tlachd ** va Colour, polish. |
an-tlachd sm Dislike, displeasure, disgust, dissatisfaction. 2 Rudeness, indecency. 3 Nuisance. 4(MS) A...an còrr |
crios -a, -an [& -achan,] sm Belt, girdle. 2 Strap. 3 Zone, band. 4 The waist. †5 Sun. 6 Belly ...an còrr |
aingealtachd sf ind (aingidh) Frowardness, malignity, perverseness, wickedness. A gabhail tlachd an aingea...an còrr |
aon-tlachd sm Sole source of joy, only beloved. 2 Favourite. |
ann-tlachd see an-tlachd. |
tlachd-airm ** sm Market-place. |
tlachd-bhaile † ** sm Market-town. |
tlachd-bheirt sf Geography. |
tlachd-bhog † ** sm Quagmire, quicksand. |
tlachd-bhùth † sm Booth or tent at a fair. |
tlachd-eòlas ** -ais, sm Geography, geographical knowledge. |
tlachd-gràbhachd ** sf Geography. |
tlachd-gràbhaiche ** sm Geographer. |
tlachd-mhuchd see tlath-mhuc. |
tlachd-sgrìobhadh sm Cosmography. 2 Geography. |
tlachd-sgrìobhair ** sm Cosmographcr. 2 Geographer. |
tlachd-sheist § s Wood-strawberry (fragaria vesca), see sùbh-thalmhainn. |
tlachd-shùbh § s Wood-strawberry (fragaria vesca), see sùbh-thalmhainn. |
tlachd-thomhaiseach ** a Geometrical, of or belonging to, geometry. |
tlachd-thomhas ** -ais, sm Geometry. |
tlachd-thomhasair ** sm Geometrician. |