Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
uill clsg. neo-ath.
ùill /uːLʲ/ fir. iol. -ean
1 oil 2 (in pl.) grease drops (on soup etc, also fish oil rising to surface of the sea) |
ùill /uːLʲ/ gn. ag. -eadh
castar-ùill fir. neo-ath.
ùill-ròin fir. neo-ath.
Toraidhean Dwelly
ùill pr pt ag ùilleadh, va Oil, besmear with oirl, grease. |
poll puill, pl. -uill & -an, sm Hole, pit. 2 Deep mire, mud. 3 Bog. 4 Pond, pool. 5 Dee...an còrr |
toll-bùtha -uill-bhùtha, sm Gaol, tolbooth. |
ball-tairgne -uill-, sm Tackle. 2 Halyard. |
buabhull -uill, see buabhall. |
càbull -uill, see càball. |
cugull † -uill, see cochall. |
drumchull † -uill, sm Topmost thatch. |
giobull -uill, see gioball. |
toll-cluaise -uill-chluaise, sm Touchhole of a gun. |
toll-dubh -uill-dhubha, sm Prison, gaol. |
toll-gaoithe * -uill-ghaotha, sm Airhole. |
toll-putain * -uill-phutain, sm Buttonhole. |
ùilleadh -idh, sm Oil for lamps &c. Ag ùilleadh, pr pt of ùill. Oiling, smearing with oil. |
ùillich va see ùill. |
uillinnich v see ùill. |
ùillte pt pt of ùill. Oiled. |