Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ùr /uːr/  bua. coi. ùire
ur n- /ər n/  sealbh.
your (drops the n- before a consonant) |
ur /ur/ fir. gin. uir
1 letter U, ᚛ᚒ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) heather |
ás ùr afresh, anew, again |
ur-dhubhadh /ur ɣu.əɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 eclipse 2 eclipsis, nasalisation ( urú in Irish; for example the change of /t/ to /d/ in /tɤj/ > /əN dɤj/) |
ùir /uːrʲ/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
uirsgeul /uRʃgʲaL/ fir. gin. -sgeoil, iol. -an
1 tale 2 novel (in publishing) |
uirsgeulach /uRʃgʲaLəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
urchasg /uruxəsg/ fir. gin. -aisg, iol. -an
piobar ùr-bhleithte  freshly ground pepper |
air muin  roi. gin. (air mo/do/a mhuin, air a/ar/ur muin, air am muin)
1 on the back of 2 mounted on 3 on (the) top of |
ùr-fhàs gn. ag. -fhàs
1 sprout, shoot! 2 regrow, grow again! |
air cho ùr 's gu bheil e  however new it is, however new it may be |
ùr-thòiseachadh fir. gin. -aidh
(act of) newly beginning, starting afresh |
air mo dhòigh  1 I am happy/content/pleased 2 I am in my element 3 I am well off/comfortable (financially) |
air tòir  roi. gin. (air mo/do/a thòir, air a/ar/ur/an tòir)
after, in pursuit/search of |
ùr-sgartadh fir. gin. -aidh
(act of) sweeping/brushing clean |
An Saoghal Ùr gin. an t-Saoghail Ùir
ùr-theachd fir. neo-ath.
A' Bhliadhna Ùr /ə vliəN uːr/ (the) New Year |
Baile Ùr an t-Sléibhe /bal uːr əN tleːvə/  ainm-àite
gur /gər/ nsg. neo-ath.
that (fused form of gu and the copula is, before a noun or pronoun) |
urra /uRə/  boir. iol. -cha
1 responsible person, guarantor, surety 2 author 3 authority (abstract) 4 person, one, individual 5 personage 6 child, little/small one 7 freeman ( hist., as opposed to daor) |
ùr-sgeadaich gn. ag. -dachadh
ùr-nòsach bua. coi. -aiche
Toraidhean Dwelly
ùr ùire, a Fresh, new, recent. 2 Flourishing, vigorous. 3 Young, youthful. 4 Beautiful, fair. 5*...an còrr |
ur § s Heath, {heather} — Fortingall, not common elsewhere. 2 Gaelic name of the lett...an còrr |
ur † sm Fire. 2 Mould. 3 Beginning. |
ur poss pron. see bhur. |
ur -achan, sf Child. 2 Person. Ur bheag, an infant. |
ur sm Tail. 2 Harm. 3 Border, brink. |
ùr * adv Newly. Dh'ùr-thòisich iad, they have newly begun. |
ùire comp of ùr. |
as ùr adv Anew, afresh. 2 Recently, lately. |
ùr-fhàs -àis, sm Bloom, sprout, shoot. 2 Offspring. 3 New growth, fresh growth. 4 Bud. |
ùr-sgeul -sgeòil, -an, sm Tale, romance, fable, novel. 2 News, intelligence. 3 Recent account. 4 Tale ...an còrr |
ùr-sgeulaiche -an, sm Teller of stories. fabulist, novelist, one who relates tales of modern times, romance...an còrr |
bliadhna pl. -chan, [& -ichean] sf Year, the space of a year. Eadar seo agus ceann bliadhna...an còrr |
bonn -uinn, pl. -uinn & bonnan, sm Heel. 2 Sole. 3 Foundation, found of house. 4 Pedest...an còrr |
breacadh -aidh, sm Spotting, chequering. 2 Carving. 3 Engraving. 4 Embroidering, ornamenting. 5 Pickin...an còrr |
càil -e, -tean, sf Disposition, temper. 2 Quality, property, condition. 3 Life. 4 Strength. 5 Sens...an còrr |
claoidh pr pt a' claoidh & a' claoidheadh, va Vex, annoy, harass, trouble. 2 Afflict, torm...an còrr |
coimheach -eiche, a Foreign, strange. 2 Shy. 3 Barbarous. 4 Fierce, cruel. 5 Wrathful. 6* Unkind...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
diù sm Long time. 2 see diùbhaidh. 3(DU) Care. 4(DU) Sense of shame, modesty, worth. Duine gun di...an còrr |
ùr-chleasaiche ** sm Adept in legerdemain, juggler, conjurer. |
eathar -air, -thraichean, sm [Always f. in Gairloch and the gen sing frequently...an còrr |
feàrna § sf Alder — alnus glutinosa. 2 Old name for the letter F. 3 Shield. 4** Mast. Leis am...an còrr |
mu dhéidhinn prep. Of, about, concerning. Mu dhéidhinn seo, concerning this; mu mo dhéidhinn, co...an còrr |
gealach -aich, sf The moon, [with art. a' ghealach]. Siud agaibh a' ghealach ùr —Rìgh na...an còrr |